The elegant cigars by Don Tomás have been skillfully manufactured by hand, following ancient traditions, in Danli, Honduras since 1970. Don Tomás acquired its reputation as one of the best brands of premium cigars in the world because of its high standards of quality combined with its competitive prices.
Don Tomás cigars are always perfectly rolled and burn perfectly, due to dedication to the extremely high standards of quality according to
which this hand-made cigar is created.
Rich and fragrant, a large stock of well-matured tobaccos in Central America and the exquisite composition of the characteristics guarantee that Don Tomás cigars always offer a consistent sensation.
Item Name: Don Tomas Clasico Grueso 10 WB INT
Content: 10
Format: Grueso
Country of Origin: Honduras
Duration: 45 Min.
Strength: Medium/Full
Length: 114mm (4.5in)
Diameter: 24mm
Ring Gauge: 60
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